Eco-Collab: Sustainable Fashion Throwdown!

Eco-Collab: Sustainable Fashion Throwdown!

Gather a team and enter EcoCollab’s Sustainable Fashion Show and Competition. Competing teams are eligible for great prizes, priority access to our exciting workshop series, extended time with visiting workshop artists, media exposure, the glory of competition, and support from the Cable Makerspace for your projects. Teams will create their pieces during the SP24 term and compete at a fashion show During ECSC Late Night on May 11, 2024.


Register your team here:

How it works:

  • Teams of any size may compete. Gather your friends, represent your club or organization, or compete solo. This show is open to all Dartmouth Students.
  • Register now through May 3rd to compete at ECSC Late Night on May 11th.
  • Submit up to 3 pieces to the to the show: they can be complete looks, a single accessory or anything in between - each submission will be judged individually.
  • Pieces should be re-cycled, upcycled, or otherwise eco-friendly. They must each include something (or a part of something) found at the Dartmouth Free Market Thrift Store.
  • Work on your pieces on your own schedule. You are encouraged to use the space and resources at the Cable Makerspace, and take advantage of our Workshop Series.
  • Teams will provide their own models for the show - models may be team members or friends of team members.
  • Pieces must be ready for the show by Saturday, May 11th at 5:00 PM. Models will start walking at 6:00 PM

What can I win?

  • We will have hundreds of dollars of prizes! Watch this space for details soon.

What is the budget?

In the name of sustainability, we hope you spend $0 on your pieces! Take advantage of the Free Market, use things you already have, and take advantage of the resources already available at the Cable Makerspace to complete your looks. IF there is something you must buy to really make your project work, you may spend NO MORE than $10 of your own money per submitted look.

Judging Criteria:

Judging will include, craft, creativity, use of materials, and value added.